Car Care

  • Loock boocks

    Looking for Mechanic?

    1. Login to your account
    2. Post your problem (For instance Gearbox repair experts)
    3. Select your preferred contact centre (Who are your preferred repair shops i.e autoexpress)
    4. Post the service plan (For instance at home, at the service centre or local area)
    5. Terms of payment Company or individual
    6. Service fee (fixed or negotiable)
    7. Book a service Direct to make a booking fee (200 ksh)
  • Loock boocks

    My Garage

    1. Create a profile of my car (s)
    2. Access my parts in my store
    3. Post car issues (I,e my problem with my car)
    4. Future services: List Critical part that you need to look for in advance.
      (I Know I need these parts after my trip or for the next servicing- to make me not keep looking for parts every time I need them)
      Allow for public view or private view (with everyone or with
    5. Ask for advice
  • Loock boocks

    Car Central

    1. Car performance club
    2. Car care accessories
    3. Featured car stories
    4. Featured car deals
    5. Sponsored Events
    6. Recommend your friend